FV – Chapter 50

Legacy Memories

While Rosa continued to remain otherwise occupied with Drew, the others of Hypertech continued to investigate this unexpected avenue of discovery and ambition.  Quite quickly, it was appearing that the plan really might actually be possible after all.

“Kori, can you try reading this in a singing voice?”  “.. and once was when…”  “Okay, no, you’re no singer.”  “Just because your family has a talent for this stuff doesn’t mean I do.  Heck, you have to consider that I would even have to use their accent while singing too, so that’s not going to happen.”  “Oh, could you just read this.. in that accent then?”  “.. and unce was when a time wherever was what few weud…”  “Oh hell, that’s remarkable!  You sound just like how Rosa used to be.  Really, I don’t think the change in pronunciation would amount to anything for you, but clearly we’re not going to have you singing around here.  Tristine said something about you possibly having enough talent to do the DJ thing well enough, though.  That might be a better place to start.  If your whole presentation is going to be about the value of the sound devices used.. the instruments.. someone is going to have to personally keep the music going so that my sister has something to sing to.”  Sophie was outright blowing Kori away with all of this sudden ambition, and she wasn’t even going to be involved in the whole actual project.

Kori however could tell she herself wouldn’t be beyond the responsibilities such a project landed upon her.  Here or on the other side, she could almost completely just jack into their audio equipment and manage such a score herself.. as long as the score was made for her.  She didn’t trust she could make up her own score very well, but even recalibrating equipment to a song transition wouldn’t be challenging at all.  Participation otherwise, not even a question.  She couldn’t sing, and her manual dexterity was a bit too lacking.  Her hands probably held no better tune than her voice.  Sophie however didn’t let pure speculation amount to anything conclusive, though, not considering that no one could remember what Kori might have discovered growing up on the other side.  That was a concern Kori couldn’t dispute either, it was an idea that was starting to have her wonder about herself too.  What exactly did Axln experience growing up on such a planet, what kind of history was then forgotten?  It didn’t matter that it may or may not have actually happened, because history was still history.  The events of the past still shaped what would come after it, her own unknown history still a thing that affected her present and future.  It was a growing speculation she simply had no opportunity to investigate right now, and not only because all of the required information wasn’t even here.

“So, we’re going to have to get you up to speed on song transition at least.  We can’t even request the help of a professional DJ, but maybe Holi will have some lessons she can snatch for us.  Oh, and that school you’re at in magic land, maybe they can teach you something like it.”  “They at least wouldn’t call it DJ, that planet doesn’t use the two letter name system, especially because their written structure doesn’t use our letters.  That, and I expect they never had to worry about discs to jockey.”  “What to what?”  “Right, we don’t use the same either.  A millenia later, and we’re still using words that have lost all meaning.”  “Music is still probably going to be music, even if they have different names for little things.  I wonder if we can budget some sound equipment for you to experiment with?”  “I really don’t think Drew would agree with that.  You’re kinda spending his money on something his business won’t even prosper from in that case, how in the world would you make him agree to something like that?”  Sophie was visibly considering Kori’s question, possibly with a bit too much intensity.  Kori thought she was being rhetorical, that such a statement was enough grounds to dismiss the idea.  Even before Sophie could voice a response, the door suddenly opened to invite another into the discussion.

“What would I not agree with, again?”  “Oh, hey Drew.  So, I was reviewing our fiscal situation and determined that we need to hold a promotional campaign in order to harness some more business exposure for Hypertech.  Already got a great thing going for the same idea too, how do you feel about a musical campaign sponsored by hypertech?  If we provided the right audio equipment, in perfect working order, such a promotion could be quite the hit with the general population.  In that case, we’ll have businesses pressuring aerospace to open up opportunities with Hypertech for us, giving our cause even more voice.”  “Interesting idea, but we don’t exactly have any performers for such a campaign, and we can’t campaign to draw in the right performers.”  “Oh, that?  I’ve already taken care of that part.  Might take some practice, but I hear the singer is something special.”  “You.. have?  And how much did that cost?”  “Free, you already took care of it.  Seems my sister might have quite the talent she’s never brought up before, something we might need to investigate.  If she’s as good as she sounds, it might really be a smart idea.”  Drew blinked a few times, not actually having much of a comeback for Sophie’s unexpected idea.  Kori was herself outright speechless, aghast at how things had suddenly turned around there.  Suddenly, this whole idea was going to have hypertech prosper.

“Wait, what have I not brought up before?  Sorry, I seemed to have been a bit slow showing up to.. something.  What’s going on?”  “Sis!  Perfect!  We need your help with something to open up the avenues of Hypertech’s commercial opportunities.  You’re like the only one who could possibly help with this sort of idea, would you be willing to lend a hand?”  “Oh, yeah, sure.  What does it involve anyway?”  “Music.  Singing, mostly, though you’re going to have to actually play.. something.  I wonder if you’re more into strings or percussion.  We shouldn’t have you with anything which would get in the way of your singing.  Strings would probably be the best idea, though I’m not sure what exactly.  Percussion is more an accompaniment, something we would do better leaving to our DJ to watch over.  Oh, but we have to use modern equipment, so no actual old fashioned string instruments.  Shouldn’t be too synthetic though, that would be about as valuable as just playing a live recording, which wouldn’t be anywhere as good.”  “Wait, wait, wait, hold up.  Music, singing, what?”  “Oh, yeah.  Remember how you took all of those music lessons before?  Of course not, no one does.  But a tuned voice remembers even when the mind forgets.  Here, come with me, I’ve got a score I want you to learn.”  Rosa couldn’t even voice her complaints before Sophie pulled her from the room.  Kori traded passing glances with Tristine and Drew, Drew still being the most confused.

“I was really thinking a synthcord would have been the perfect instrument, though I guess there would be less value in magic land learning such an instrument.  Would at least need an instrument with an ionic wave diffuser at least, something you could connect to an amplifier.  Ionic threading is slight enough in uniform airwaves that even smaller instruments would be viable for such a goal.  But.. we should still pick an instrument that magic land actually has something fairly similar to, or at least something that would work there.  Technically, using a brand new instrument they had never seen before would deliver an even greater impact, but it would still have to run on magic.”  “Okay, I’m not stupid, something more is going on here than you’ve all originally presented.”  “Sorry, boss.  It seems Kori and Rosa are in need of some commercial exposure themselves in magic land, and we’ve figured out that music might give us some value there.  It seems Sophie has realized that Hypertech could also prosper from the same kind of exposure, so we’re being involved in the whole process.”  Tristine recounted to Drew the general process they had undertaken to uncover this original idea, omitting unrelated personal details about Rosa’s childhood.  Kori in turn then worried about how things were going for Rosa.  Specifically, the worries weren’t as much in performance as they were in managing unrelenting confusion.  Sophie seemed far more interested in seeing how things actually were than in explaining how such a potential was even discovered.  Kori knew Sophie, there wouldn’t be time given to explanations, instead Sophie would be all hands forward on the project.  Rosa meanwhile would embrace the sudden challenge, even without explanation.  Rosa then would be the only one who had no idea what was actually going on.

“Okay, okay, okay everyone!  We’re back.  So, I have a small audio player here that will play that same song.. but without any lyrics.  What I want you to do, Rosa, is to actually sing the original song yourself.  I could get you a holo with the lyrics.. but…”  “That might help.  It’s not a hard song, but having handy prompts might make it a bit easier.”  “But.. I can’t make it into something you could read.”  “Oh, that?  I’ve been practicing that a lot already, and it helps that I got to at least hear things already, the writing is just a reminder.  I should be okay.. for the most part.. though I apologize in advance for any errors I might make anyway.  Then again, you want me to actually sing something, so it’s not like you’re expecting much from me in the first place.  You do know, I’ve never sung anything before, right?  Not even in my world.”  “Hey, you better not let that hold you back from actually trying, okay?  I want to hear your best performance!”  “Yeah, yeah, whatever.  Let’s just get this over with.”  Sophie was visibly dragging Rosa along with the whole deal, the two sisters a contrast of excitement and disappointment.  Exactly as Kori had expected, Sophie hadn’t let up, Rosa still had no idea what was going on, and yet Rosa was still going to stand up to the challenge because stubborn.. and maybe a touch of sibling rivalry neither sister would remember.

“Across tides and fields, eternally woven.  Beyond hills and rivers, mountains and shores.  Timeless wonders wrought, forever appealing, yet stricken the cause for its due neglect.  Fell ruins and spires, desolate bastions, once fortified with valorous hearts.  Ambitiously shattered, unabatently battered, the winds of such history would surely fade away.  As winds soared and scattered, drifting outwardly, ceaselessly, the captive eternity shackled to the chains of destiny.  What once was will forever be, even without lasting memory, binding those who might ever.. wonder.. what once was will forever be.  And so from there comes.. the crossroads, a foundation of torment that crosses afar.  Across tides and fields, eternally woven.. beyond hills and rivers.. mountains and shores.  Such timeless wonders, forever broken, could then suffer from such neglect.. when the legacy born from such a wonder, forever appealing to such regret.  With such memories.. woven, of a place dearly bespoken.. … holding strong fast, valourous hearts.. all so earantly.. eternally.. unabatently.  Across tides and fields, eternally woven.  Beyond hills and rivers, mountains and shores.  Timeless wonders wrought, forever appealing… of a place that stood firm.. whenever.. and once was when a time.. wherever.. was what few would then.. forever.. willfully then ever after.. never.. possibly ever.. forget.”  Rosa sang the complete song, from start to finish, poetry in verse.  Technically, the whole song was poetry, it was originally a conduit poem, too.  Technically, it was very well thought of by conduits who didn’t exactly like their place in society, which is why the whole song had come up in the first place.  The song was then really meaningful to Kori.. but she had to admit it certainly wasn’t the easiest song she could think of.

That.. didn’t even matter.  Rosa’s singing was absolutely perfect, the quality you would have expected of a professional.  First-time singing, even that consideration was ridiculous.  It was the voice of someone with at least a Sidus of vocal training.  The most ridiculous part was that Rosa didn’t even seem to notice her own quality.  Agreeably, she hadn’t been as good as the original singer.. she had actually been better.  Rosa’s expression resounded her belief that she had achieved just as poorly as she might have assumed, and it wasn’t like everyone staring at her was clarifying that distinction either.  Kori was really certain why there might have been a number of people who wanted Rosa in their music group.  Certainly, if she had accepted any of those invitations, Rosa would be famous right now.  Screw what accomplishments her sisters had pulled off, Sophie’s scholarship into apprenticeship or even Fiona’s first place award in some small contest that let her start a company with Kori fairly easily.  Rosa’s victory would have overshadowed everyone else.

“Okay, I guess I’ll take this fine opportunity to say it, considering no one else has their voice yet.  You and I did agree to be a bit more open with what we were doing, anyway.  Rosa, that was absolutely remarkable, demonstrating at least a sidus of vocal training to reach such a professional level.”  “Huh?  Training?  Like I said though, I’ve never…”  “Lyun has never had such training.. but you’re not accounting for Rosa at all.  Maybe if you practice enough as Rosa, you could easily learn enough to do just as well while being Lyun too.  Tristine, you’ve got me sold on this idea of your’s, there is no way I would want to see this talent wasted.  Sophie, I’m even in for your idea too, probably a good way to practice here before we try everything on the other side.  Of course, in either case, Rosa has to agree to everything too.  It’s her voice we’re talking about.  She might have enjoyed singing back then, but that doesn’t automatically mean she has the same passions now.  Rosa, how much did Sophie fill you in on why we’re so suddenly into music anyway?”  “Uh, actually, she skipped that part.  This whole thing has been rather random.  It’s.. it’s not random, is it?”  Kori took this opportunity to cover all of Rosa’s known history once again, letting the girl herself know what she supposedly had managed to accomplish in the past.  Even while telling such information, Kori had a growing need to discover the same facts about Axln too.  Rosa clearly knew nothing about all of this music potential.. and yet was this good with it.  She had so much talent in various fine arts.. and Lyun’s life didn’t involve anything like it at all.  Instead, she was still making the same mistake past Rosa had learned from.

Kori couldn’t even blame Rosa for this ignorance, not when there was a huge chance Kori was also making the same mistake.  Axln had a history too, something none of them knew about, none of them could possibly remember anything about, and that history could have come with discoveries of its own.  Lyun hadn’t learned from Rosa’s past, while Kori hadn’t learned from Axln’s past.  They had already made strides on this problem with Rosa with this discovery, and it was changing so many things so quickly.  Rosa meanwhile was reflecting upon this knowledge with her own sense of discovery.  The past everyone had uncovered for her.. made a lot of sense.  Lyun herself had held ambitiously to instrumentation as just something she had to do.. but she never achieved a sense of accomplishment from her efforts, no real sense of acknowledgment.  She could see herself then in all of these past events she had no memories of.  Rivalry with a twin was a new idea, but it certainly wasn’t impossible.  Competing for success.. yeah, that’s her in a nutshell.  She’d also been very independent growing up, except for Yhzia of course.  Yhzia was just someone who was very good at keeping her motivated, at encouraging her and appealing to her personal drive, so they became quick friends.  It seems like, in this world.. Rosa never had anyone like that, instead Rosa had a couple of sisters to spark up some rivalry with.  Then, her non-twin walks in, steps on what she’s doing, and comes out looking amazing.  Of course.. that would bother her.  Past Rosa’s own actions as a result of that made complete sense.

Amassing itself beyond that same concept was Fiona’s first place award.  That would be when Rosa would have felt.. completely isolated and alone.  She was just a failure, her sisters were all better than her, she had nothing left.  Kori even felt like a jerk while bringing up that part of the whole tale, knowing how much that was going to sting for Rosa.  Kori herself had been helping Fiona a lot with keeping her inspired that whole contest, leaving Rosa to then advance alone by her own devices.  Kori might not have such memories of Rosa, but she knew her past self did, and the growing friendship she’s fostered with Rosa here was inspiring a lot of guilt for not encouraging both twins together.  From here though, Rosa found it difficult to understand her own actions.  Clearly, Sophie had promoted the idea.. and Rosa had just fumbled around with it, dabbling in a bunch of different fine arts like her sister.  Then.. she achieved.. success?  What exactly did that feel like?  Actually, she wasn’t completely ignorant to the idea, she had her own measure of success with her involvement in cybernetics.  Then again, it seems she was known for having talent in that area.. but.. not passion.  That was possibly the newest idea in this whole process, that she might have a passion she wasn’t even aware of.. and that had taken her places.

The conclusion was its own mystery.  Sure, the whole painting thing.. actually.. that might make a bit too much sense.  Painting with holos was absolutely fun, and apparently Rosa was really good at it.  Music.. it seems she might also be good at music too, in much the same way.  Rosa took a moment to consider how she had felt with such a musical experience.  Confused, mostly.  Okay, so maybe that wasn’t the best test bench for her emotional involvement.  However, hearing she did really well was leaving her feeling.. inspired.  Kori hadn’t even gotten to the part on why the whole musical thing even mattered yet.. and Rosa was feeling like it was something she wanted to do.  Knowing that, why then did Rosa give up on making something out of her own potential, having discovered it.  Even as Lyun, her cybernetic accomplishments landed her recognition from the academy, and.. she was quick to accept, to bring Axln with her.  Wait.. Rosa had never had anyone on her side in things.. Rosa had always been alone.  Maybe.. she just didn’t trust anyone.. because she had never learned to trust anyone.  It was like Lyun trusting the foundry, and why the whole project of getting the foundry’s trust felt monumental.  Like Xwyhr had said, Rosa and Kori.. Lyun and Axln.. they both had grown used to not depending on others for much help, they had been used to being independent.  Past Rosa.. would have been even worse.

“So the idea now is to take your music potential and make something really big out of it.  Meanwhile, I’m supposed to learn how to handle accompaniment for you, like some kind of DJ.  When we’ve got things worked out enough, we’re going to grand-stage your skills against a live audience, getting a ton of recognition and appreciation.. and then drop Hypertech as a sponsor.  When people know that Hypertech is capable of delivering devices capable of such a performance, the company’s popularity would hopefully climb, opening us more options.  Then again, even that’s just a trial run for the real project.  The big goal is to take that same accomplishment and repeat it on the other side, but this time promoting Ezhyrae as a sponsor.”  “Oh, and.. if we actually do well, we would have the interest of the greater bulk of society as a result.  Wait, wouldn’t Velvet and Mheridz predict this and just stop us?  We aren’t exactly allowed into such depth of civilization either.”  “Holo disguises work against the general public, while the other world would just require some use of dark shadows, we just have to make sure we avoid both Velvet and Mheridz specifically.  Even getting caught wouldn’t be a problem if we can keep up disguises, the two of them knowing without proof would make them incapable of taking action, especially if we’re otherwise doing nothing wrong.  The problem with confrontation would be how good those two are at taking down both instruments and devices.  We might need to touch up our disguises with a touch of natural work too.  Sophie and Ezhyrae could both be counted on in that area, at least.”  Kori still impressed Rosa with how interesting this idea was, even if there were plenty of unknowns left over.  Something about the whole idea really felt inspirational.. maybe she really did have a subtle passion for such fine arts.

“We’re still going to need some instruments and devices though, least of all for both performances.  They will have to be really good, too.”  “Tristine is willing to help with some of that process, but we’re going to need to learn a few things about how such instruments work.. musical instruments, I mean.  Auditory gear is pretty complicated on this side, considering soundwaves and the physics behind all of that.  Meanwhile.. I suspect we’re working with wind elemental instrumentation to simulate the same auditory experience.  Supplementing it with illusionary sound could actually help from an accompaniment perspective, but the main resources would need to actually flow directly with wind itself.  Neither of us are good with wind elements, but the academy is a big place.. and they probably already have what we need.  In much the same way as Tristine is offering, amplification gear is possibly our biggest focus.  Ionically, we have instruments that deliver a waveform that is translated into an ionic spectrum, then we need to smooth out the sound for an augmented boost.  Elementally, this is going to require some good kyuemu to amplify the wind spectrum without distorting the quality.  Putting such stuff together with some really optimized performance is going to probably be our job.”  “Well, mostly, maybe, but we should always be open to getting some help from people.  No reason to put everything on our heads, going to have to already learn all this performing stuff as is.  On that subject, if you had only just come up with this idea so recently, how come you already have all the elemental research done?”  “Oh, well, I’ve been trying to do a lot of my own learning in such an area, I might have adjusted a bit to everything at this point.  Probably nothing extreme in elemental knowledge, but hopefully up to what is considered normal.”  Rosa realized that Kori had also been working hard at getting more adapted to both of their separate lives.  By this point, both of them at least could completely fit into both societies as a normal part of each.  Like they were only readjusting to lives they already had, really.. that theory might be a bit too sound.

At the very least, they had a complete plan in place for how they could proceed with the foundry.  All that was left was ensuring they got everything prepared for such a significant venture.

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